Costa Rica ist voller exotischer Früchte, Kaffee und interessanten Gerichten (meist mit Bohnen, Reis oder Bananen).
Und ein guter Weg die Kultur eines Landes
Und ein guter Weg die Kultur eines Landes
besser kennen zulernen, ist durch das Essen.
Die Menschen hier kochen überhaupt nicht mit Rezepten. Also, machts richtig und
!Pura Vida!
Costa Rica is full of exotic fruits, Coffee and interesting recipes (most of them with beans, rice or bananas).
And good way to experience a culture, is through the food.
The People here don´t cook with recipes at all.
So, do it the right way and
!Pura Vida!
Simple Tortilla
Water, Cheese, Salt and Cornflower
This recipe is soooo easy. It was the very first dish I learned here.
First, mix 2 cups of cornflower with one and a quater cup with warm water. Add a cup of cheese und a pinch of salt. Mix it very well, until it is a dough....
Then form little balls, the size depends on how big you want the Tortilla to be..
I think the small ones (on the picture) are the best.
So now on to the tricky part!
Flaten the ball with you palms, then with one hand turn and at the same time flaten the torilla with the other hand. Press it against the other hand, so that there are no gaps on the edges.
Sounds difficult, but with a little practice, you can do it!
Sounds difficult, but with a little practice, you can do it!
Then just put it in a frying pan , WITHOUT OIl. For about 3 min and turn it. When its brown, put it on a open fire for a few seconds. When the tortilla gets fluffy and airy.. Then youre the master.( such as my first time, doing it ;))
Tortilla can be eaten with pretty much everything!
Here on the picture its with scambled eggs and tomato sauce.
But you can also put chicken,bananas, smashed beans or vegetables in it.
!Es muy rica!
Also called rambutan, is a really common fruit here and you can find it in many costa rican supermarkets. It is really cheap as well (exept where we live :D).
I already saw it in the philippines, but Leonie was really surpised that this is a fruit. At first sight, it looks like something poisonous. But if you try it, it is very sweet and tasty.You can just cut it with a knife and then peel it. Inside, it looks like a litchi and in my opinion it also tastes a bit like litchi.
Also called rambutan, is a really common fruit here and you can find it in many costa rican supermarkets. It is really cheap as well (exept where we live :D).

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